
As a consultant, I work with you or your organization’s leadership teams to co-design, implement and/or evaluate your wellbeing programs and practices.

As a well-being and mental health program designer, I understand the practice elements of evidence-based well-being and mental health programs and curriculums. This knowledge ensures that we develop or refine your curriculum to meet your employees’ or clients’ needs. I have worked with numerous public and private health organizations to effectively co-design and evaluate wellbeing programs, courses and services.

When we work together we first develop a theory of change model based on the wellbeing concerns of your employees or your clients. The theory of change model includes the program mechanisms of change. Then, we select tools, strategies, practices, and programs that meet your needs or we co-create a program curriculum to meet your needs.

Also, I work with you or your leadership team to develop a full implementation plan, including monitoring and evaluation and quality improvement assessments, for your program or curriculum once they are developed. My areas of expertise in program design are stress management, workplace wellbeing, parenting support, and child development.

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Feel free to reach out to me at my email address or call me at 803-463-1094.

Click below to schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with Lauren to discuss your goals .